Hello, I am

Umar Salim

I am a

I am one of the more experienced guys in the market for Flutter with over 3 years of experience building high quality, performant apps using Flutter.

I have worked in the FinTech, RetailTech, and MediaTech spaces, and have led and been part of mobile engineering teams shipping apps available to millions of users on the Play Store and App Store

About me.

I'm a Flutter Application Developer with over 2 and a half years of experience.

I Have extensive experience working in and leading mobile engineering teams specializing in Cross-Platform (Flutter and React Native) and Native (Android/iOS) development. Worked on and released a total of 6 applications on the Play Store and App Store with a cumulative download count of more than 2.3 Million


Software Engineer
Full Time
  • Leading the entire Flutter team across the company.
  • Responsible for the development and maintanence of our 1K PartnerOS app built in Flutter.
  • Currently building an industry first offline POS software in Flutter to be used by 1K Partners on Desktop, Web and Mobile.
  • Building a seamless offline featured app, that uses FFI to call Rust code from Flutter to handle Rule Engine requirements and code sharing across multiple systems.
  • Implemented Android Flavors and iOS Schemes for building different app variants fluidly.
  • Built an end-to-end chat system using Firestore.
  • Migrating state management from MobX to BLoC for cleaner code and better debugging.
Software Development Engineer 2
Full Time
  • Led the efforts for migrating goDutch app from React Native to Flutter.
  • Set up the State Management Architecture for the goDutch Flutter App using BLoC Pattern.
  • Wrote Navigation and Network Layers from scratch, to support functionalities such as Auto-Retry, AuthGuards, Token refresh, and Performant Cache Management.
  • Built multiple modules in the goDutch app in Flutter and React Native
  • Implemented Android Flavors and iOS Schemes for building different app variants fluidly.
  • Set up an end-to-end CI/CD system saving hours of developer overhead during integrations and deployment using Bitbucket Pipelines, Bitrise, and MS App Center.
  • Built a Gold Buy/Sell system in the live app with SafeGold integration along with Auto-Pay features.
Software Developer
Full Time
  • Responsible for setting up the architecture for the YourStory Flutter mobile application (Android/iOS).
  • Lead the development team for building PixStory Flutter mobile application taking full ownership of the entire development lifecycle (Android/iOS).
  • Integrated Firebase services such as Firebase Auth, Cloud Messaging, Remote Config, File Storage, etc.
  • Built multiple modules in the goDutch app in Flutter and React Native
  • Handled all parts of the development pipeline from setting up release timelines, resources, cloud infrastructure, authentication systems, etc.
  • Set up a fully-fledged CI/CD system using Fastlane which is now used company-wide in YourStory to release apps for both Android and iOS with a single click.
  • Wrote network and navigation layers from scratch for both YourStory and PixStory to allow cached tabs in the app and allow for seamless navigation using BLoC architecture.
  • Wrote native Android/iOS code to glue platform-specific functionalities
  • Mentored junior devs on best practices and assign tasks on Jira
  • Develop design documents, maintenance documents, project documentation, and release documents.


  • 2017-2020
    Bachelors of Computer Applications

    Jamia Hamdard University

  • 2015-2017

    Hamdard Public School

Some Highlights

  • Scored 9.68/10 GPA in my Bachelors Programme
  • I was the Head Boy in School
  • Represented my University at a National Level playing in the All India University Games Tournament



More than 3 years of experience with Flutter. I have worked and lead engineering teams and have seen more than 4 projects from planning phase to deployment


I have used Flutter BLoC as the goto state management pattern for majority of my Flutter Projects across companies. I have used variation of the default BLoC pattern and have in-depth knowledge of it's working


I have also created and worked on Native Android Projects with Kotlin, Hilt, Dagger, MVVM etc

React Native

I have over 8 months of experience with React Native and Redux. I have developed multiple modules in React Native


I have developed multiple CI/CD systems for multiple companies across my career. I have used Fastlane, Bitbucket Pipelines, Codemagic and Bitrise to enable rapid development and release iteration combined with robust release mechanisms that reduce developer overhead

MERN Stack

Although I'm not a regular back-end developer, I have ample experience working with back-end technologies and have built multiple back-end systems using the MERN stack


My Portfolio.

Get in touch.

Interested for a conversation? Get in touch

Always available for a challenging opportunity if the right project comes along, Feel free to contact me.